2010-2011 Consulting
My role in this ground breaking campaign was to design the conceptual model, game logic and user experience for bing.com/jay-z. Each day several pages of the book were released (the book is 320 pages, the campaign was 4 weeks long.) Bing maps and bing search were used as the game platform. Two clues were written for each page. The answers to these clues were always geographic in nature; inputting your answers into the custom 'Decoded' bing map would get you closer to the location of a page. Once you located a page, a beacon would appear, marking the location of the page and whether or not you were the first to find it. The campaign was covered in New York Magazine, Mashable, Creativity,
WebMD - Symptom Checker
LBi needed a fresh perspective to redesign the WebMD.com Symptom Checker with Body Map. I made it more efficient and easier to use in 2011.